Computers and education are so thoroughly intertwined, it is hard to imagine one of the two of them existing without having the other one as its complement. In fact, if not for the education people have received in the past, how would we ever have developed so many of our glorious technologies? It is hard to conceive of someone inventing any website, if not for having a computer lab to work from in school. So how could there be any better place to learn than on a computer? If you take classes towards online degrees, you can learn at your own pace. just about anywhere you might want to. And the best part is, you can learn how to be an active contributor toward taking technology to wherever it is headed down the line.
The efficiency of a computer is incredible. Not only are they faster at processing information than a human being could ever possibly be. They are also totally organized. When was the last time a computer forgot something? Using computers, a professor can organize, and even partially automate their lesson plans. This can lead you to learning for more effectively than you would if technology were not so thoroughly intertwined with the teaching process. And just think of all the paper that gets saved when you can take notes, and even take tests, without having to consume any of the stuff.
The last (but certainly not least) great thing about taking your classes and getting your education online is the amount of research that you can easily do through the medium. You have unlimited potential for finding the information you need, which lets you refine that information into cohesive papers and extremely crisp presentations. Imagine how difficult it would be to get your information, if confirming a fact required going to or calling upa library, and waiting for the research to get done. The process has been helped immeasurably by technology.